You can only have one plan per Jenny Craig account.
Please consider the classic Jenny Craig plan when your Club Jenny access has ended.
A delicious and convenient weight loss solution that makes low carb easy!
$40 Savings and
FREE Shipping Unlocked!Save on every shipment when you pay for multiple shipments now.
Price Per Day:
${{ getFormattedPrice(planPrices.autodelivery_Prices.baseprice/100/14) }} ${{ getFormattedPrice(this.planPrices['autodelivery_Prices'].dayprice)/100 }}
Price Per Week:
${{ getFormattedPrice(planPrices.autodelivery_Prices.baseprice/100/2) }} ${{ getFormattedPrice(planPrices.autodelivery_Prices.discounted_price/100/2) }}
Today's Price
${{ getFormattedPrice(planPrices.autodelivery_Prices.baseprice/100) }} ${{ getFormattedPrice(planPrices.autodelivery_Prices.discounted_price/100) }}
Each 2-week shipment contains 10 breakfasts, 20 lunches/dinners, 14 Recharge Bars, and access to weekly menu guides.
Frozen food is delivered in eco-friendly reusable coolers packed with dry ice to keep your meals ice-cold.
Never run out of freezer space because all orders are sized to fit inside standard household freezers.
10 Breakfasts
20 Lunches & Dinners
14 Recharge Bars